Shell Energy And Petrochemical Company
Church Head Nigeria.
Official Head Office Nigeria.
This is to notify you that you have won a prize of ($ ONE MILLION DOLLARS for the Lottery promotion 2008 which is organized by SHELL ENERGY AND PETROCHEMICALS COMPANY. All participant were selected through a computer balloting system drawn form Nine Hundred thousand E-mail addresses from Canada, Australia, United States, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Oceania, it is as part of our international promotions program to say thanks you to those that are using our services and those that will like to us to be at their services just to give back to the public irrespective of their ethic.
These are your identification numbers:
Batch number........SH/EBC 091026XN
Reff number...........SH/EBC 095447XN
Winning number.....SH/EBC 097886XN
These numbers fall within your Location file, you are requested to contact the Claims. Department, send those winning Identification numbers to enable the department inconcern to verify your claims and information to carryout the verification process and release of your winnings to you.
1. Full Name:
2. Country:
3. Contact Address:
4. Telephone/Fax Number:
5. Marital Status:
6. Occupation:
7. Company:
8. Age:
9. Nationality:
11.Country of Residence:
12. Email:
Contact Our Claims Department Officer with the contact information below.
Contact Name:Mr Musa Ibrahim
Contact Tell:+234-703-579-3908
Yours fai.thfully,
Shell Energy And Petrochemical Company.
Church Head Nigeria.
Official Head Office Nigeria.
This is to notify you that you have won a prize of ($ ONE MILLION DOLLARS for the Lottery promotion 2008 which is organized by SHELL ENERGY AND PETROCHEMICALS COMPANY. All participant were selected through a computer balloting system drawn form Nine Hundred thousand E-mail addresses from Canada, Australia, United States, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Oceania, it is as part of our international promotions program to say thanks you to those that are using our services and those that will like to us to be at their services just to give back to the public irrespective of their ethic.
These are your identification numbers:
Batch number........SH/EBC 091026XN
Reff number...........SH/EBC 095447XN
Winning number.....SH/EBC 097886XN
These numbers fall within your Location file, you are requested to contact the Claims. Department, send those winning Identification numbers to enable the department inconcern to verify your claims and information to carryout the verification process and release of your winnings to you.
1. Full Name:
2. Country:
3. Contact Address:
4. Telephone/Fax Number:
5. Marital Status:
6. Occupation:
7. Company:
8. Age:
9. Nationality:
11.Country of Residence:
12. Email:
Contact Our Claims Department Officer with the contact information below.
Contact Name:Mr Musa Ibrahim
Contact Tell:+234-703-579-3908
Yours fai.thfully,
Shell Energy And Petrochemical Company.